
Agreement on the mutual recognition of the qualifications of beauty industry professionals was signed between Germany and Russia

On October 25, the International Beauty Forum (XXIV Russian Championship in Hairdressing and Aesthetics) was solemnly opened in Moscow

Фото предоставлены Гёте-Институтом в Москве для проекта GOVET

Every year the Forum gathers the best representatives of the domestic and international professional community of the beauty industry. The event was organized by the Russian Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists and the State Kremlin Palace.

Within the framework of the Forum, General Director of the National Agency for Qualification Development (National Agency) Alexander Leibovich opened the ceremony of awarding the participants of the project of mutual recognition of the Hairdresser qualifications between Russia and Germany. In his speech to the audience, he stressed the importance of such an event as the mutual recognition of the qualifications of specialists of the two countries, which opens up tremendous opportunities for the exchange of experience, ideas and knowledge. In the autumn, the hairdressers of both countries underwent a qualification evaluation: Russian professionals confirmed it in Germany, and German – in Russia.

“...Every hairdresser can buy any equipment and materials, what's the difference? The difference is in competencies. And if you want to be a professional, you need to understand what a professional is? A professional is a person whose competencies are recognized by the professional community and recognized by leading Russian and international masters,” said Alexander Leibovich, General Director of the National Agency. “I hope we will continue this experience, this is not just a project, it is the integration of those technologies and the professional experience that is accumulated in each country.”

Summing up his speech, he thanked the participants and wished them success. “...I hope that recognized masters will work in Russia and that not only Russian students, but also foreign colleagues will learn from them. Good luck!” concluded Alexander Leybovich.

Valery Gorelik, Vice President of the World Organization of Hairdressers, Director of the Union of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists of Russia, Chairman of the Council on the Professional Qualifications of the Beauty Industry, thanked all the project participants and, addressing Russian specialists, noted that they had passed the exam with honor.

The German side, which was represented by Harold Esser, President of the Central Union of German Hairdressers and Robert Fuz, a member of the Central Union of German Hairdressers, spoke about the German approach to the assessment and recognition of qualifications and thanked the Russian side for the warm welcome. The exchange of experience and the exam showed the closeness of the Russian and German procedures, the task of which is to confirm the person’s readiness for professional activity at the required professional level. The winners from the German side received certificate of proficiency, and from the Russian side certificates of qualification.

At the end of the ceremony, a solemn signing of a cooperation agreement between the National Agency and the Council on the Professional Qualifications in the beauty industry, as well as the Central Union of German Hairdressers, took place. The subject of the agreement is the recognition of the “Hairdresser” qualification in the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany.

Within the framework of the agreement, several areas of cooperation between the German and Russian sides were singled out:
• Analysis of regulatory, organizational and methodological documents on qualification assessment (including exchange and analysis of documents)
• Studying the practical experience of the parties in organizing and conducting qualification examinations
• Formation of groups of examiners and examinees for qualification examinations
• Planning and conducting joint qualification examinations
• Organizational, methodical and expert support of the Project participants

For reference: The Central Union of German Hairdressers ((Ссылка)

The National Agency for Qualification Development ( is the core organization of the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation on professional qualifications, the operator of the system for independent assessment of qualifications, which provides organizational and methodological support to industry councils on professional qualifications, promotes the development of the national qualifications system in the Russian Federation; forms a coordinated position of organizations representing the business community in their interaction with state and non-state bodies responsible for the development of education; contributes to the formation of independent, including public-state institutions involved in the development of the quality of the workforce, evaluation of the results of education, training and work experience.


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